Children’s Book Teaches that It’s Great to be Different
Illustrating the story of Taz, a real doggie whose “special needs” became real accomplishments.
“It wasn’t supposed to be a real book!” is how I often begin the story. After Heather Whittaker had hired me to help finish up one of her business books, I asked to meet and discuss a minor side project. Since no children’s book projects had come my way, perhaps I could round out my portfolio by drawing a few story frames anyway. I know that writers collect ideas in notebooks just as visual artists do in sketchbooks. I just needed some concepts. I’ll do anything to avoid the hard work of thinking. It turned out that Heather had indeed been wanting to do a kids’ book along with an entire curriculum. It would be based on her tiny dog, Taz, and the message would be diversity and acceptance — or the positive face of “stop bullying.”

Client: Heather Whittaker
Objective: Illustrate and design a children’s book that matches that Author’s vision and connects with her audience.