For an Illustrator, book illustration is a challenging and rewarding “dream job.” I connect with the Author and visually interpret their words, creating something that showcases the work of both writer and illustrator. It’s truly a win-win opportunity. Working together, the writer’s manuscript comes to life in a creative partnership. In the case of a children’s book, we develop imaginative characters as I draw what the Author is thinking. By placing the sketches into a storyboard as we go, the narrative takes shape in visual form well before the final artwork is produced.
With a background in print publishing, I also design, typeset, and provide the book in files that are ready for the Printer. No longer is the end result a stack of art boards, but professional, editable files suitable for publishing in multiple formats. Thanks to PDF files viewable on computers and most e-reader devices, the books I’ve worked on are shared, promoted and pre-sold before they even go to the printer. I also supply promotional graphics and digitally rendered “product shots” of the finished book ‑ before there is a finished book. Recently, I’ve designed and typeset books for other artists as well. I design the cover and dust jacket, scan and color-correct their artwork, and construct their books on the computer. Even when someone else has done the book illustration, it’s just as rewarding to help them self-publish their project. And working directly with the Printer to provide every part “to spec,” we avoid set-up costs and keep the cost per copy as low as possible. There are now many printing companies offering affordable, “short-run” printing for self-publishers and small businesses. The self-publishing entrepreneur can now order several hundred copies in a first printing, and not find themselves with a closet full of unsold books.
Through pictures and rhyming verse, the Author and the Artist collaborate to tell the story of Taz, and spread a message of encouragement and acceptance.
Book Illustration is Gratifying Work
Call Scott at 920-277-1425, or...
Case Study
A Different Little Doggy
Telling the true story of a very special doggy
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